
james cook

Interviewer: So, what did they put on you, did they just give you a wig…?

Tom: Everything. I got a balding wig to give you a receding hair line; they gave me these things at the end of your eyes, sort of like… your eyes look a bit scrunchy. Uh, little plastic things here to give you like an extra jowl as they call it. The goatee, the wig. Uh, yeah, it’s pretty extensive, man.

Interviewer: Did you feel like they were being kinda unfair, you were like, ‘I’m not gonna look like this’?

Tom: Tell you what, it was 19 years! I didn’t expect, I was like, ‘Have you seen Jason Isaacs?’ He’s 50, I’m like his dad! It’s ridiculous.

@темы: tom felton


james cook

@темы: matthew lewis


james cook

Ron:”I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn’t know how to find you.”
Harry:”Yeah, how did you find us?”
Ron:”With this. It doesn’t just turn off lights. I don’t know how it works, but Christmas morning I was sleeping in this little pub keeping away from some Snatchers and I heard it. A voice, your voice, Hermione, coming out of it.”
Hermione:”And what exactly did I say, may I ask?”
Ron:”My name. Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. It floated toward me, the ball of light went right to my chest, straight through me. Right here. And I knew it was gonna take me where I needed to go”

@темы: harry potter, ron&hermione


james cook

@темы: picz, harry potter


james cook

james cook

@темы: harry potter cast


james cook

james cook

james cook

‘Why don’t you confer with Mr Finnigan? As I recall he has a particular proclivity of pyrotechnics’

@темы: harry potter, Seamus Finnigan


james cook

james cook

@темы: harry potter


james cook

@темы: mike&harvey, suits


james cook

@темы: picz, harry potter


james cook

@темы: picz, room

james cook

смотрите на ютубе, а не в этом маленьком окошке

@темы: video, dan&serena, gg


james cook

@темы: harry potter cast


james cook

Mrs. Weasley: Just because you can use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything.

@темы: harry potter, fred&george


james cook

@темы: skins, gen2, katie fitch


james cook

@темы: pll, wren&spencer

james cook

@темы: suits