james cook

Serena: Ah, no way!
Chuck: Serena, Carter, this isn’t a good time.
Serena: Well then lets make it one!
Carter: What’s wrong Chuck, aren’t you happy to see us?
Serena: Carter and I were just sharing our favourite Chuck Bass stories. There are so many we had to break them into categories.
Serena: Oh my gosh, is this a business meeting? I’m sorry if you sense any tention, these two don’t like each other that much. ‘Cause they share the same taste in women, sometimes they share the actual woman!
Chuck: That’s enough!
Carter: So what’s this business meeting about Bass? Still trying to fill your daddy’s shoes?
Serena: Yeah, come on Chuck! Tell us your idea.
Chuck: I’m opening a restaurant.
Serena: Yeah that’s what he’s telling people. But downstairs in the vault he’s creating a club.
james cook