james cook

Serena - I didn’t come back for you.
james cook

Jenny: Oh, um, it’s-it’s 9:30. I have latin.
Damien: It’s a dead language, it’s not gong anywhere. Why don’t you just ditch it and stay here with me?
Jenny: I can’t. I have a quiz.
Damien: Come on, Jenny. Don’t you think it’s a little coincidental the last time we got to this exact same spot- You know, the place right underneath your kilt- That you had to go dissect a fetal pig?
Jenny: I did. Come on, Damien. You know I want to be here.
Damien: Jenny. Why don’t we just talk about it?
Jenny: What’s there to talk about?
Damien: I think you’re an amazing girl. I love spending time with you. But when I date someone, sex is usually part of the equation, and if you’re not cool with that, it’s fine. But you need to say something. You can’t just shut me down every time we’re alone together.
Jenny: I’m not. I … it’s just not a good day. I mean, I have a quiz, and then I have that other class.
Damien: You’re younger than me. I get it. Could it be that you’ve never…
Jenny: No. Damien. It’s not like that. Look, I just don’t like the first time with someone to be rushed. … And I have school.
Damien: Okay. Well, how about tonight? After your father goes to sleep, you can sneak out. No rush, okay? Nice and slow.
Jenny: Yeah. Perfect. Um, it’s on, Dalgaard. I will see you tonight.
суббота, 05 марта 2011
james cook
1.17 Hellcats - хорошо, не понимаю зачем линия про Шарлотту и Ноя, ну да ладно.
Льюис, Элис и Кэтти. ? Марти ок. Дэн ок. без Саванны
Льюис, Элис и Кэтти. ? Марти ок. Дэн ок. без Саванны