нахер нужна линия Джереми и Бонни, они же совсем не подходят друг другу
понравилась линия про 2ух ведьм
все сцены с Кэтрин - оч крутые
в последней сцене на секунду засомневалась в Дэймоне и сможет ли он ее там закрыть
Кэролайн порааадовала
серия на уровне
все такие красивые
посмотрите на них:
читать дальше.там очень-очень много, берегите себяи еще
Then I’ll protect her.
Stefan: Alright, if anyone wants to back out, I’ll understand.
Damon: Yeah, cold feet speak now, I don’t want this going wrong when someone chickens out. Caroline?
Caroline: I won’t. She killed me. Fair’s fair. As long as there’s no werewolves running around.
Damon: Oh, I took care of Mason.
Katherine: In 1987, you were in Chicago, at a concert of all places. With that wench Lexi. You were watching Bon Jovi, and I was watching you.
“You know, I’m here for you always.”
I’m not a kid anymore Bonnie.
Katherine: “What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite.”
Damon: ”That Damon died along time ago.”
Katherine: “Good. He was a bore.”