Jenny: Why are you calling me?
Chuck: I understand your reluctance to ever speak to me again, and I don’t want to bother you. I was picking up some Bass Industries blueprints earlier, and it seems I mistakenly took your portfolio.
Jenny: Chuck, I don’t know what type of game you’re playing, but my interview’s in an hour. You have to bring it back right now.
Chuck: I would, of course, but i’m heading into a meeting I can’t reschedule.
Can you swing by the empire?
Jenny: No! I’m not supposed to go anywhere but my interview, and I definitely can’t see you.
Chuck: So you won’t have to. I left it at the front desk with my concierge.
Good luck today.
Jenny: No, Chuck!
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Serena: Relationships with faculty are strictly forbidden, and… I don’t want last night to affect how you treat me as a student.
Colin: I’ve gotta say, that didn’t sound very heartfelt.
Wanna try it again with a little more conviction?
Serena: I’ve said what I needed to say.
You can have the T.A. mark my papers.
Colin: May I offer a counter proposal? I have to go to this party tonight for the New York Observer. I’m getting some kind of eligible bachelor award.
Will you come with me?
Serena: Wouldn’t bringing a date make you ineligible for an award like that?
Colin: Maybe having you on my arm would be honour enough. If I give up my bachelor title and commit to getting to know you better, maybe you could put off mastering the psychology of business for another semester?
Serena: Well, it’s not like business is my major.
And it’s still the add/drop period, so…
Colin: I’ll pick you up.

Gossip Girl: They say life is full of suprises,
that our dreams really can come true.
Blair: [horror music] Hello?
Gossip Girl: Then again, so can our nightmares.

Colin: Hold the door, please.
Serena: Colin. Hey. What are you doing here.
Colin: This is psychology of business, right?
Serena: Yeah, but…
Oh, no. Don’t tell me you’re…
Colin: The new professor. I take it from your less than glowing enthusiasm that you are now one of my…
Serena: Students. Yes.

Blair: What have we here? Bed unslept in, hair in missionary disarray, and yesterday’s dress with today’s shame all over it.
Serena: No Shame. For your information, we just stayed up talking all night.
Blair: Oh. So does this chatty insomniac have a name?
Serena: Colin. The cab stealer.
Blair: Oh, well, you showed him.