четкое ощущение, что все сошли с ума
в 500 раз на грабли. все
побольше Арчибальда, я так рада
последняя серия с Дэмианом? (
у Чака и Блэр потрясные сцены. Серена и Бен. Серена и Бен. Серена дерзит Дэнчику.
промо к след.серии WTF
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“And you better not be selfish, Archibald. Do you know what I mean?”

Blair: “You are gonna help me get 650 gift bags from 29th Street in 20 minutes or so help me Archibald, I will tell everyone what your favourite movie is.”
Nate: “Hey, do not knock the Sound of Music. It’s got nuns and Nazis. Julie Andrews was hot!”

Blair: What do you think?
Nate: She’s cool.
Blair: Uh-huh, what else?
Nate: She’s smart, stressed about work— Where are you going with this?
Blair: You need to sleep with her right away!
Nate: [laughs] What?
Blair: I need you to relieve all that pent up tension before my first performance review tomorrow. And you better not be selfish Archibald! You know what I mean, a woman remembers.
Nate: I wasn’t that selfish, was I? [Blair walks away] Was I?

на язык не смотрим

They say the universe has a great sense of humor. That sometimes having your dreams come true can feel like a nightmare. Because getting what you want always come with strings attached…. And even when you think you’re finally in the clear, you’re never home free. Every happy ending is just a new beginning. Because on the Upper East Side, the good times never lasts forever.
XOXO —Gossip Girl

Ben: What about your family? What if us being together drives them all away?
Serena: I don’t think it will but that’s a risk I’m willing to take if you are.