тебе без сахара, да?, я не помню, кто-то из актеров, по-моему Йен, сказал что даже после открытия тайны Э, будет загадка покруче. так что растяяяяянут.
тебе без сахара, да?, Ian Harding (Ezra) talks about Ezria & THE SEASON FINAL. TVLINE | Finally, what can you say about the impending “A” reveal? What was your initial reaction upon learning who has been behind all of this? I was actually kind of shocked when we found out who this person/people/thing was, because I think the writers have done a good job making it seem like anyone can be “A.” People will be pleasantly surprised, but that’s not even the biggest part of the episode — which really says something. There must be something huge in this finale if revealing who “A” is isn’t the biggest shocker. So, that’s what I will say about that.
тебе без сахара, да?, вообще без понятия, я вообще считаю, что А это команда, потому что ну совсем нереально, что это один человек все время так вовремя смс отправляет
TVLINE | Finally, what can you say about the impending “A” reveal? What was your initial reaction upon learning who has been behind all of this?
I was actually kind of shocked when we found out who this person/people/thing was, because I think the writers have done a good job making it seem like anyone can be “A.” People will be pleasantly surprised, but that’s not even the biggest part of the episode — which really says something. There must be something huge in this finale if revealing who “A” is isn’t the biggest shocker. So, that’s what I will say about that.